Tuesday, May 18, 2010


A Poem

There won't be any sunshine
In the darkness and pain,
But darkness and pain
Will not forever remain.
That's what you should
Always believe in.
There won't be any brightness
In the darkest hour,
Even the candlelight could
Be blown off by the wind.
That doesn’t mean that
Brightness won't come
Back again.
Hold courage and 
Determination with
Your heart and soul,
And move ahead
Without giving up
Towards your goal.
Things do change as 
The time passes by,
And you can make
The difference if you
Do try.
Always believe in
Yourself and never
Ever give up, my friend
And you'll surely
Succeed in the end.
The ascend of the 
Mountain would be
Very steep and
But you would come
Down the other
Side of success
With much ease.
Everything appears
Impossible unless
You do try.
Falling down doesn't
Matter, when you'll
Surely touch the sky.
Only then you'll realize
Nothing is impossible
As the time
Goes by.
Pick up your reason
To believe in,
And try it as would
Normally do,
You'll surely achieve
What you set 
Out to achieve.

By G.S.Vasukumar

Don't give up!

A Poem 

Sorrows, pain and failure
give us a painful
Let's stand tall and fight
and they'll vanish
inch by inch.
Let us wake up with this
new determination
every dawn;
Lets not worry about
things that is past
now and have gone.
Like every gloominess
of the gray,
Certainly has the dawn
of the brightest day.
Hard work is the grain
that grows in the
life's field,
Success is its fruit
which yields.
Let us not give up
in this moment
and rest,
Let us try one more
time with our 
effort of the best,
As life is throwing 
in new challenges
at us to test.
It is courage and
determination we need
to cross this,
Huddle in life, and
God is surely there
for us to bless.

By G.S.Vasukumar

A River

A Poem

Let me draw my
from a flowing
A river which
flows, flows and
to flow.
Flowing water 
can never
be thwarted,
They either
gradually erode
obstacles in,
their path,
or they try to
find a way
around there
or sometimes
just flow over
or eventually 
sweep them
Nothing can 
stop a flowing
river from
its free flow,
Even if it happens
its only for
a while,
Like me, river
too thinks
how to continue
its flow.

By :- G.S.Vasukumar

Self- Confidence

A Poem

It's like air inside
a colour balloon,
Because of which
It soars high in
The sky.
One pin’s prick
is enough to bring
it down,
Down it would
go within
no time.
Same would
Happen to you
If you lack self-
But if you believe
In yourself,
And you believe
You can make
The difference,
The difference that
Could even change
The world,
The world you
Thought would
Always remain
The same,
And no one can
Remember, even 
You could bring
That change,
The change that
Would spread like
Sun’s rays.
All that needs is
Confidence that
You can do 
Anything you
Set out
To achieve,
Is possible if
You do believe,
Believe in the
Belief that you
Can achieve,
Then nothing is
Impossible, except
The word itself.
Have self-confidence,
And you can even
Move the mountains,
If not the little rocks
On the way.
Stay focussed on
What you want to
And even failure
Would fear to step 
In your way.

By :- G.S.Vasukumar


A Poem

It’s like a flat stone,
Which does frog-leaps
On the surface of water
Before going down,
The lack of it is,
Like a round stone
Which goes straight
It’s like a candle’s
Flame fighting the
Raging wind.
Whether it survives
Or not isn’t
But standing up
And putting a 
Fight is.
Courage is like
Sharp bite from
A tiny ant,
It bites to remind
You its presence,
And save it’s
Little life.
It knows it could
Be killed for that,
Even then it puts
Up it’s brave
Little fight.
Courage isn’t
Bowing down
In disgrace,
But standing firm
On your feet
And lifting up
Your face
And making a
Resolve to face
Whatever may
Courage means
Standing brave
A little longer
Even after others
Give up.

By G.S.Vasukumar


A Poem

I wonder why
You didn’t
Want me.
It’s a pity that
You didn’t even
Give me a chance
To call you, ‘Mother’.
Should I thank you,
For not bringing
Me into this
Cruel world.
Or should I 
Hate you for
Getting me
Killed brutally
In your womb.
I wish even
I could’ve
Been someone,
Yes, someone
If you had
Given me
A chance,
A chance to
Live just
Like you in
This world.

By :- G.S.Vasukumar


A Poem

It's like you build a building,
Brick by brick.
You build your life too,
with patience day by day.
It's like the speed breaker,
That comes between the
Speed of your car,
It makes you to slow down,
For your own safety and to go far.
It comes between anything,
Which you want to do in hurry.
And even frustrates you.
It's purpose is not to make
You to completely halt.
But to slow down
and make you to think.
Like say anger that attacks
and takes over your mind
atleast for a while,
For your patience can
even slow down your anger.
Sometimes it makes you
not to give up,
Even when you get the 
feeling that everything
is over,
But still you continue 
with your purpose,
Even the stuborn wall
may turn it's back,
And you'll find yourself
on the other side,
No longer facing the wall.

By:- G.S.Vasukumar